Basel III endgame
Barr’s Fed exit likely to delay, but not destroy, Basel III
Market risk, op risk and leverage ratio all in the sights of Barr’s potential successors
Capital neutrality key to completing Basel III, says Quarles
Former Republican Fed vice-chair thinks Hill or Bowman could help revive stalled prudential rules
Foreign banks want level playing field in US Basel III redraft
IHCs say capital charges for op risk and inter-affiliate trades out of line with US-based peers
Barr defends easing of Basel III endgame proposal
Fed’s top regulator says he will stay and finish the package, is comfortable with capital impact
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Annual update ratchets up op RWAs at European banks
DNB, RBI and Swedbank post double-digit RWA rises for second year running ahead of Basel III implementation
Complex EU active account reporting could drive trades out of UK
Draft Emir rules might not force large volumes to move to EU, but will make compliance difficult
Snap! Derivatives reports decouple after Emir Refit shake-up
Counterparties find new rules have led to worse data quality, threatening regulators’ oversight of systemic risk
Bank of England to review UK clearing rules
Broader collateral set and greater margin transparency could be adopted from Emir 3.0, but not active accounts requirement
EU trade repository matching disrupted by Emir overhaul
Some say problem affecting derivatives reporting has been resolved, but others find it persists
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