Op risk benchmarking
Op Risk Benchmarking 2024: the G-Sibs
Eleven large banks feature in round II, with new data points on first-line risk teams, taxonomies and AI adoption
On geopolitical risk, G-Sibs choose their battles
Conflicts – both existing and threatened – raise concern among banks, but many are still grappling to weave the risk into their frameworks
Cyber insurance costs still rising, say big banks
Op Risk Benchmarking: Cost of covering same exposure as last year now “somewhat” or “significantly” higher
Tired of fat-finger blunders, G-Sibs turn to robots for help
Big banks speed up shift towards control automation and AI adoption to counter costly human errors, Benchmarking survey finds
Risk Quantum
Data insights, delivered daily
Risk Quantum finds insights in data. The service tracks the public disclosures of over 120 banks, funds, insurers, corporates, and central counterparties – as well as reports from prudential and markets regulators – in Asia, Europe and North America.
Scotiabank pivots to standardised approach for securitisation exposures
Risk-weighted assets under SEC-SA jump 450% in three months to end-July
Commercial real estate
House of cards? The $3 trillion (non-systemic) real estate risk
Regional banks share the bulk of US commercial real estate exposure, but the sector’s downturn doesn’t faze them
US large bank CRE risks could be understated, say researchers
Community banks have the most direct exposure, but systemic banks extend more credit to REITs
One-tenth of US banks exceed CRE concentration thresholds
US supervisors face operational challenge with constellation of 536 lenders above risk benchmarks at end-2023
Harsh judgements: why Stateside lenders are upping the Q-factor
As CRE stalls, qualitative adjustments are forming a larger part of US banks’ credit risk allowances
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