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How UBS sold off non-core equity assets at lightning speed
More than 40 auctions have been completed since Credit Suisse acquisition, with a little help from a T-Rex
CPMI-Iosco report highlights gaps in CCPs’ variation margin practices
Survey finds only a third implement VM pass-through, just 15% net client and house accounts
HKMA’s renminbi repo plans boost hopes for onshore access
Market participants optimistic that new provisions for offshore repos of onshore bonds is first step towards mainland access
Member contributions propel six default funds to new highs
Skin in the game unchanged at four CCPs amid $3bn rise in default resources
Australian FRTB projects slow down amid scheduling uncertainty
Market risk experts think Apra might soften NMRF regime to spur internal model adoption
South Korea’s FX reforms working amid political crisis, dealers say
Martial law presented first test for reforms aimed at boosting deliverable KRW market
Estimated stressed losses rise at OCC, LCH and JSCC
New stress scenario boosts worst-case loss at Options Clearing Corporation by half
Initial margin requirements hit record highs at major CCPs
Tumultuous third quarter sees $94bn surge across 14 CCPs
China finalises IM rules but gaps remain
Largest banks and insurers must start posting from 2027, but details for securities houses are yet to appear
SGX suffered five-hour op failure from CrowdStrike outage
First major service disruption at CCP’s Central Depository service in nine years
Margin breaches skyrocket at JSCC amid market volatility
August turmoil led to record initial margin shortfalls at six clearing divisions
Global banks boost Level 3 assets to new highs
European lenders and UBS-Credit Suisse merger fuelled rise in hard-to-value instruments in 2023
Review of 2024: as markets took a breather, firms switched focus
In the absence of major crises and rules deadlines, financial firms revamped strategy, services and practices
OTC derivatives hit $730 trillion peak in H1 2024
Interest rate and FX derivatives drive notional spike
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