Hedge Funds Review - 2001-06-14

A new lease of life

Hedge fund service providers looking to stay ahead in the marketplace are turning to corporate websites to communicate with their customers

A market too far?

Are UK retail investors as prepared for the hedge fund market, as the marketeers of hedge funds lead us to believe?

A safe bet

Financing trade movements between emerging markets and developed markets can be a lucrative, if slightly dull, market

Roger Guy restates his Gartmore commitment

In an interview with Robert Stock, deputy news editor of Hedge Funds Review's sister publication, Investment Week, Roger Guy has confirmed that he has no plans to leave Gartmore and the management of his long-only and hedge fund portfolios

A new frontier

US financial advisers are being targeted to open up the alternatives market to new investors. However, they need to attain a certain level of sophistication in order to fully profit from this new distribution route, says Jeff Benjamin reporting from the…