Central banks/Foreign exchange

Why Basel's not faulty

The tenets of the Basel II Capital Accord are fundamentally sound; it's the methods that the banks are using to implement them that are not so sound

My money's on covered bonds

An asset class that has prospered throughout some of the most turbulent times in modern European history must surely be a serious investment prospect during the current downturn

Counting on the counterparty

High-profile banking failures have led to uncertainty over the ability of credit derivatives counterparties to honour their side of the trade. Contingent credit default swaps, or CCDS, are designed to mitigate this risk. But will plans for a central…

Cultural exchange

EEX and Powernext's agreement to share their electricity spot and derivatives markets represents groundbreaking Franco-German energy market co-operation. The CEOs of both exchanges talk to Roderick Bruce about the challenges involved and what the merged…

Discussing distressed debt - A roundtable

One area that looks poised to benefit from the turn in the credit cycle is distressed debt, with funds readying themselves to take advantage of any opportunities that may arise. Six thought leaders of the industry consider the outlook for distressed debt

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