Central banks/Foreign exchange

ASF 2009 highlights challenges for securitisation market

The annual conference for securitisation professionals, held in Las Vegas, showed that the industry is under no illusions about the difficulties it is currently going through, but that there is a collective will to turn the situation round. Mark Kahn of…

ASF 2009 highlights challenges for securitisation market

The annual conference for securitisation professionals, held in Las Vegas, showed that the industry is under no illusions about the difficulties it is currently going through, but that there is a collective will to turn the situation round. Mark Kahn of…

Swap shop

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, under its chief executive Bob Pickel (right), is the trade body for dealers of, amongst other things, credit derivatives. As such, Pickel and his members are at the centre of a storm raging around the…

What to do with the toxic debt

The issue of how to tackle the vast quantities of impaired assets lingering on banks' balance sheets has given rise to several possible solutions, chief among which is the notion of a 'bad bank'. Credit asks five market participants how such a scheme…

Rick Watson

Securitisation has been damned as the carrier that took the subprime contagion to institutions across the world, but the head of the European Securitisation Forum insists that the real economy needs this funding source more than ever. Matthew Attwood…

LCH.Clearnet bid sparks conflict-of-interest debate

A proposal by a consortium of major derivatives dealers to acquire London-based clearing house LCH.Clearnet has led to suggestions that banks becoming intimately involved in the clearing process could present a conflict of interest.

Trichet: Eurozone CCP will help improve oversight

European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet backed a central counterparty (CCP) for clearing credit default swap (CDS) trades in the eurozone today, in a speech that also called for banker compensation to be linked to avoiding excessive leverage.

A capital offence

In believing that healthy capital reserves would enable banks to weather the credit crisis, lawmakers and banking chiefs neglected one important fact, says Suresh Sankaran of Fiserv IPS-Sendero: that robust capital adequacy ratios do very little to keep…

Legal Spotlight

The ECB has set minimum standards that ABS must meet if issuers are to use the securities as repo-eligible funding. Angus Duncan assesses the impact of these new rules on existing ABS

The repo effect

The ability of banks to use securitisation deals as collateral for repo funding from central banks has resulted in larger deals with more esoteric assets. Laurence Neville looks at how this change is affecting the securitisation market as a whole

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