Victoria Tozer-Pennington

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Articles by Victoria Tozer-Pennington

A granular approach to data

The drive for regulatory reform in the US has focused on the availabilty of data, and a bill being discussed in Washington, DC proposes the establishment of national data and research centres.

Action reactions

At OpRisk USA 2010 participants discussed how they can deal with increasing waves of regulation and add value in the new financial environment.

Right place, right time

Eileen Robbins, vice-president in operational risk at the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, has a history of turning up just as things are kicking off. She talks to OR&R about the DTCC’s much-lauded handling of the Lehman Brothers collapse, and…

Road to transition

For a moment it looked as if the post-crisis drive for reform was losing momentum. But the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has established working groups to keep the industry focused, and to propose ways to keep moving forward

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