Victoria Tozer-Pennington

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Articles by Victoria Tozer-Pennington

The time is now

Now is the time for all good insurers to start preparing for Solvency II. Victoria Pennington explains what the new capital requirements for insurers will involve, and assesses the market's readiness for their implementation in 2012

To be continued...

Business continutity planning is high on the agenda for financial services firms. For the first time, OpRisk & Compliance has surveyed the market to identify the leading BCP providers. Victoria Pennington presents the results

No rest before Mifid

The November 1 implementation deadline is upon us. But just how ready were Europe and its financial services firms for the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive ? Victoria Pennington uncovers the real story behind Mifid's progress

Sox comes to Asia

As Japan's version of Sarbanes-Oxley heads towards implementation, other Asia-Pacific countries are also introducing their own versions of the US legislation. But, learning from US Sox mistakes, they are tailoring their reforms to their political and…

The bigger picture

In 2003, rating agencies considered operational risk as a separate risk category, but quantification problems have prompted them to take an integrated, enterprise risk management approach.

A tough balancing act

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, under the watchful eye of deputy comptroller Kevin Bailey, is moving ahead with its Basel II policy. Victoria Pennington reports

A narrowing gulf

Many Middle Eastern nations are keen to implement Basel II, and larger banks have been stepping up efforts to develop an op risk framework. But smaller banks are being hindered by a shortage of resources and experienced staff, as Victoria Pennington…

Bringing down the house

There is evidence to support the claim that the subprime mortgage crisis in the US may have had its roots in operational risk problems. But just what caused the crisis, and could it have been averted if the firms involved had robust op risk frameworks in…

Confusion reigns

Exactly what the role of home and host regulators will be for the regulation of branches under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid) remains an elusive issue. The industry is clear that firms should have to follow only one set…

State of the art

Guido Ravoet, secretary general of the European Banking Federation, talks to Victoria Pennington about changes in regulatory framework, the substantial amount of work facing compliance and risk executives, and why he thinks the EU financial regulatory…

Legal eagles

Clifford Chance has been ranked number one in the first annual OpRisk & Compliance survey of law firms engaged in risk and compliance activities for financial services firms. But as the results attest, risk and compliance is a hot area for global law…

Devil in the detail

The systems and controls elements of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive is the core of the EU legislation. Compliance officers and operational risk managers alike need to check the detail to ensure they don't get caught out in November…

A call to compliance

Mifid, Basel II, SOX - the pace of regulatory change has increased substantially over the past few years, which has led to the large-scale expansion of compliance departments for financial services firms. But the recruitment market is finding it hard to…

A better execution

In the first of a series of six articles on Mifid, Victoria Pennington seeks clarification on a number of issues swirling around the best execution debate

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