Feature/Risk management/Commodities

From Russia with hub

Ambitious plans to turn Baumgarten into Europe's most liquid gas hub face many challenges, but if successful could radically change the continent's gas trading landscape. Roderick Bruce reports

European energy outlook

2008 was a rollercoaster year for Europe's energy markets. Roderick Bruce interviews trading CEOs and other senior executives to see how they envisage Europe's gas & power markets developing in the year ahead

LNG pricing - Moving forward

While the bulk of global LNG volumes remain locked up in opaque long-term deals, attempts are being made to introduce price transparency and a forward curve to the market. Roderick Bruce investigates

Discussing distressed debt - A roundtable

One area that looks poised to benefit from the turn in the credit cycle is distressed debt, with funds readying themselves to take advantage of any opportunities that may arise. Six thought leaders of the industry consider the outlook for distressed debt

Fuelling an emissions market

The carbon emissions credits market is heating up as investors are increasingly able to tap into the theme via structured products and exchange-traded funds. But how viable is the carbon theme as an underlying and what challenges do structured products…

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