Feature/Risk management/Commodities

End of the boom?

Canadian oil sands production has grown rapidly in recent years, but are rising project costs and falling oil prices now jeopardising projects? Pauline McCallion investigates

Carbon markets defy global downturn

Carbon trading, while slow to take off, is beginning to catch on with hedge funds as a new asset class. Kris Devasabai, US Editor, and Stephen Quigley report

High five for distressed investors

There is a celebratory mood amongst distressed debt investors. Having spent several years scratching around for opportunities in a raging bull market, their cup now runneth over. We profile five leading funds in the distressed arena

Joyce Chang

The head of emerging markets research at JPMorgan talks to Dalia Fahmy about how the sector is adapting to the upheaval in the the global markets

Safe to come out?

As energy traders take stock after the unprecedented market turmoil of September, the Energy Risk team asks a range of key players what effects they expect the investment banking crisis to have on commodities trading and risk management

Turkey's political pipelines

Turkey's strategic position at the crossroads of East and West has put it at the centre of a geopolitical tug-of-war, with energy supply a key driver. Robert Amsterdam examines the energy policies being brought to bear in the region

ETRM evolution

As energy trading and risk management systems become increasingly sophisticated, Rana Basu of TradeCapture looks at what users need to consider as they progress from implementing and using the most basic to the most complex systems

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