Feature/Risk management/Commodities

Poland's power market potential

Liquidity on Poland’s power market has boomed in the past year and the government hopes to boost volumes further by forcing integrated generators to trade on-exchange. However, its plans have met a mixed response, finds Roderick Bruce

Canada's oil sands growth seen steady

It’s been a rollercoaster 18 months for Canada’s oil sands – higher oil prices are now supporting the complex, but credit remains constrained. Pauline McCallion talks to experts about their outlook for the industry

Daniel Yergin

Dr Daniel Yergin, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Prize and chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), discusses changes in the energy markets over the past 15 years with Pauline McCallion

It's payback time

If you still wake up in a cold sweat, haunted by the memory of opening your 2008 bonus slip, you're not alone. Credit professionals across the board saw their bonuses slashed last year. But not all banks were forced to scale back their remuneration…

Russia rewires

The break-up of Russia's power monopoly, RAO Unified Energy System, in July 2008 heralded a new dawn for the sector and a key point in the lengthy liberalisation process. But privatisation coincided with the economy's crash. Roderick Bruce examines the…

The Last Contango

Oil prices have remained in the doldrums so far this year, but the market took a surprising turn as it slipped into a contango at the end of 2008 that has so far remained in place. Pauline McCallion examines its causes and speaks to analysts about their…

Trading spreads

Ray Eyles, JP Morgan's CEO for European commodities, a 20-year market veteran, speaks to Roderick Bruce about the bank's continued expansion in commodity markets during challenging times for the banking sector

Smart thinking

Updating ageing power transmission infrastructure with smart grid technology must be a top priority if the US is to meet growing demand while fully harnessing the potential of renewable energy. By Pauline McCallion

Oil Storage Data - Taking Stock

Volatile prices and perceived problems with WTI as a benchmark have triggered renewed calls for weekly European stock data to supplement US data. An EC directive is currently being discussed, but not everyone is in favour of this, finds Rachel Morison

Expropriation - A very real risk

Expropriation or forced government renegotiation is a big risk for oil companies that is likely to increase in times of lower oil prices. Randel Young and Richard Devine look at how to safeguard against the worst effects

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