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Libor Risk – Quarterly report Q4 2020

Exactly when Libor’s regulator will sign the official death warrant for the most popular US dollar settings is now a cause of huge uncertainty. It’s also a matter of huge significance

Fighting financial fraud with AI

Risk and compliance professionals convened for a Risk.net webinar, How to successfully mitigate fraud – AI in action, in association with NICE Actimize to debate the use of artificial intelligence in the fight against fraud

Family office investing – Special report 2020

Even before the tumultuous events of 2020, many wealthy family investors across Asia were becoming more careful with their investments – wary that the longest bull market in history had to end sometime. Their prudence proved well judged when storm clouds…

Data quality in focus as UMR deadlines stretch

The uncleared margin rules are seen by many as key to accurate and fast margin calculations. IHS Markit explores how firms can quickly assess proposed trades, calculate initial margin accurately and effectively handle the margin exchange workflow to…

Stress-testing – Special report 2020

This special report explores the future of stress-testing in the post-Covid-19 era, how firms are tackling the operational and technological challenges involved and how they can maximise value from the strategic insight afforded by the process

How to successfully mitigate fraud – AI in action

Fraud is evolving, with influences spanning technical sophistication through to turmoil and crisis. Most recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has thrown an additional spanner in the works. As the drivers behind these activities are becoming more varied, the…

Managing commodity risk in turbulent times

Faced with today’s razor-thin margins, firms must be able to monitor all risks holistically, in real time and to hedge effectively. This brings technological challenges, and many firms are now grappling with issues such as getting the right datasets,…

Fair valuations – Change for good?

The regulatory framework governing fair valuation practices in the US hasn’t undergone any substantial change for the best part of a decade. Now, thanks to a recently proposed rule by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), that is all about to…

Guiding Asean through Covid‑19 challenges

Chu Kok Wei, group head, treasury and markets at CIMB Group, explores how technological changes brought about by the Covid‑19 pandemic will impact traditional bricks-and-mortar banking, and how Asean banks are particularly well prepared for this…

Stress‑testing under Covid‑19

Stress‑testing is a challenging exercise to regularly assess a bank’s level of risk or capital adequacy. Olivier Brucker, Sunayana Mehra and Ed Young of Moody’s Analytics explore an approach that can address this, proposing an alternative methodology…

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