Cover story

Binge then bust

Politicians have recently expressed alarm at a cross-currency swap conducted between Greece and Goldman Sachs in 2001, which allowed the sovereign to reduce the debt it reported in its public accounts. But other examples now coming to light show the…

A common language

Goldman Sachs’ operational risk management department has two global co-heads, Spyro Karetsos and Mark D’Arcy, who together are using a ‘Rosetta Stone’ approach to break down operational risk language barriers between business lines.

Crumbling relations

The so-called ‘Piigs’ countries – Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain – have been an ongoing source of worry for the financial markets in 2010. While the prospect of a Eurozone country being allowed to default appears low, insurers are under…

Solvency sanctuary?

Asian insurance companies have sat up and paid attention to their solvency ratios during the past two years like never before. This has led to unprecedented levels of derivatives take-up. But will this conversion to derivatives last?

The price is wrong

As the basis between Libor and overnight index swap rates ballooned during the credit crisis, banks were forced to reassess methods for pricing collateralised and uncollateralised derivatives trades. The result is a move towards a new market standard in…

Energy Risk's Software Survey and Rankings 2010

Over two-thirds of the respondents to Energy Risk’s 2010 Software Survey say they will be investing in new systems this year, despite the economic downturn. The survey also reveals which systems are preferred by industry participants. Lianna Brinded…

Keeping it in the family

US family offices control possibly the largest concentration of private family wealth in the world, so it is no surprise that creators of structured products are eyeing this space. But with the ultra-rich resembling small institutional investors more…

Longevity swaps - a new way forward

The longevity swap market has gone from nowhere to a value of £7 billion in less than a year – offering pension schemes a potential solution to one of their biggest headaches. But do these instruments have a long-term future, or are they simply a…

StanChart's Cherriman harnesses people power

Andrew Cherriman, head of operational risk management for wholesale banking at Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore, says his ability to rely on expert staff is the key to operating a sound risk management system across the bank’s many jurisdictions.

Lighting up dark pools

The Singapore Exchange’s planned launch of Asia’s first exchange-backed dark pool may indicate the region’s dominant exchanges are ready to take on brokers providing internal crossing systems for anonymous block trades. At the same time, it offers dark…

Counterparty charge an act too far?

The Basel Committee shocked many bankers in December by unleashing proposals to significantly increase capital requirements for counterparty risk exposures. But industry participants argue the measures overlap with each other and could hike up capital to…

Commodity Rankings: Reclaiming the top spot

The 2010 Risk/Energy Risk Commodity Rankings reveal which companies have been able to prosper despite the difficult conditions of 2009. Lianna Brinded analyses the results and talks to key market participants about their views

Reality bites

Op risk management no longer sits solely in the theoretical space, and has been brought down to earth with a thud. Patrick de Fontnouvelle of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston predicts 2010 will be a year of focusing on the practicalities of…

Is there joined up thinking on Smart Grid?

The modernisation of the European power industry through smart grids could transform electricity supply and demand but there is still a long way to go. In the first of a two-part series, Rachel Morison looks behind the hype at what smart grid really means

ETNs poised for a comeback

Worries over counterparty credit risk stymied the development of the market for exchange-traded notes, but as those concerns recede and the products spread outside their home in the US, 2010 could be the year that the investments come into their own. By…

Where there's a (living) will

Living wills have quickly emerged as a new measure to ensure banks are better prepared for the next crisis. But clear definitions of exactly what information they should contain and how they should be drawn up do not exist.

Coming of age

$urendra Naidoo, risk management director and group head of operational risk at Standard Bank, believes the operational risk function can claim success when the firm’s business managers are educated to the level where they manage op risk themselves

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