
E.ON sells 2200MW of generation, enters Belgium

German utility E.ON has announced that it will sell over 2200 MW of generation capacity from German power stations to Electrabel and EnBW. The move comes after E.ON reached agreement with the European Commission to promote competition in Germany's power…

Australia to start carbon trading in 2010

Australia's carbon trading scheme will be up and running by the middle of 2010, according to a statement made by the Australian government minister for climate change and water, Penny Wong, at the Poznan climate change negotiations last week.

Joe Gold

Joe Gold, MD and co-head of commodities at Barclays Capital, talks to Katie Holliday about weathering the financial market turmoil

LNG pricing - Moving forward

While the bulk of global LNG volumes remain locked up in opaque long-term deals, attempts are being made to introduce price transparency and a forward curve to the market. Roderick Bruce investigates

750 MW Welsh wind farm given go ahead

Npower Renewables, a subsidiary of German utility RWE, received permission on December 3 from the UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change to build and operate the 750 megawatt (MW) Gwynt y Mor wind farm off the coast of North Wales.

UN suspends carbon credit verifier DNV

The United Nations CDM Executive Board has temporarily suspended Norwegian consulting firm DNV's powers for accrediting clean development mechanism (CDM) projects, prompting potential delays for project developers' issuance of Certified Emission…

FTSE expands environmental index series

Index provider FTSE has expanded its Environmental Opportunities Index Series by launching nine new indexes. The series, which was launched in July 2008, is derived from the FTSE Global Equity Index Series and comprises companies with at least 20% of…

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