Solvency II

Validating interest rate models under Solvency II

With Solvency II fast approaching, obtaining approval for your internal model is increasingly important. A key part of this process will be to demonstrate the ability of the model’s scenario generation to describe the evolution of interest rates…

Mexico and Brazil on the road to risk-based regulation

Latin American economic powerhouses Brazil and Mexico are introducing new solvency regulations in their fast-growing insurance markets. But while Mexico has gone straight for a Solvency II-type approach, Brazil is emphasising gradualism and will not make…

E&P energy company premiums likely to rise

Energy exploration and production (E&P) companies face increased cost risks as insurance premiums could rise, following BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill, which forced reinsurance firms, such as Germany’s Munich Re, to shell out hefty payments

QIS 5 makes its mark

European insurers are gearing up to take part in Solvency II’s latest and final quantitative impact study. John Ferry assesses what the latest proposals suggest about the impact of the new regime

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