Commodities/Central banks

The missing link

With several countries now developing emissions trading schemes, UN-supervised project-based emissions credits could become the linking instrument that creates a global price signal for greenhouse gas abatement. But greater standardisation in the market…

Troubled waters

Nord Stream, the planned gas pipeline that will link the super giant Russian gas fields of Siberia directly with Europe, looks set to offer an important solution to the EU's energy security concerns. But even before under-sea construction has begun, the…

Impact of ethanol

Increased demand for ethanol in the US has led to predictions that biofuels will have a 30% share of global energy demand by 2030, writes Eric Fishhaut

Finding the way forward

US wholesale power markets are currently the subject of much concern. As Ferc begins a review to improve competition, Edison Electric Institute's Richard McMahon suggests some key ways to move forward

Engineering change

A new risk management culture is evolving in the Asian clean development mechanism market, which should lower CDM project risk while expanding financing options, finds Catherine Lacoursière

Better prospects

Russia offers better prospects for industry to develop and far more investment opportunities than is widely recognised, writes Pavel Ulianov of Russian metal giant Rusal

The Big Interview: Paul McCulley

Pimco's portfolio manager talks to Dalia Fahmy about chasing yield in an expensive asset class, and what he's expecting will trigger the next market downturn

Designing a market

With Canada likely to embark on an emissions-trading scheme this year, Oliver Holtaway looks at the various forms it could take

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