Joshua Walker
Joshua is a London-based reporter on the Risk Quantum desk at Risk.net. He graduated from the University of Oxford in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in history and politics.
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Articles by Joshua Walker
Options expiry triggers $4bn liquidity shortfall at NSCC
Second-largest simulated shortfall on record mitigated by extra liquidity deposit and OCC commitment
Thin-skinned: are CCPs skimping on capital cover?
Growth of default funds calls into question clearers’ skin in the game
US banks return to MBSs amid value recovery
Bank of America and Wells Fargo ramp up AFS holdings in the third quarter
Substitutability cap keeps JP Morgan out of top G-Sib bucket
Uncapped systemic risk score grows to highest level on record
Japanese G-Sibs see 9% surge in op risk charges
Rising profits drive record RWA growth under new Basel framework
Eleven of 14 G-Sib indicators hit all-time highs
Surging complexity marked 2023, tempered by slower gains overall
AFS Treasury holdings surge $67bn at US banks in Q3
JP Morgan leads growth, while Citi and Wells Fargo cut back
ABC’s market RWAs soar amid Basel III shake-up
Chinese bank bucks trend with sharp market risk rise in Q3
Marex leapfrogs three FCMs with record F&O margin
New clients, trading activity surge and higher margin rates drive increase at UK broker
Basel III slashes $78bn in RWAs from top Singapore banks
Credit and operational risk recalibrations fuel double-digit falls at DBS, OCBC and UOB
Finma add-on drives UBS’s market RWAs to eight-year high
Swiss regulator adds $1.4bn to mitigate maturity mismatch risk within IRC
CCPs’ skin in the game drops to historic low
Clearing members bear increasing load, analysis of 15 clearing houses shows
StanChart’s market RWAs hit eight-year high
Client-driven RWA deployment raises market risk exposure by $3.2 billion
Valley National sees surge in delinquent CRE loans in Q3
Bank’s net charge-off rate more than doubles as $114 million in CRE loans become past due
SVAR spike drives Deutsche’s market RWAs up 20%
Risk positions in the FIC division behind highest figure in over three years
Physical climate risk threatens 15% of EU banks’ property loans
Erste, Helaba, BPCE most exposed to chronic and acute risks linked to climate change
Delinquency rates bounce back at top US lenders
Weaker 2022 loans, tougher collections and seasonal factors push past-due loans higher in Q3
Nordea’s credit RWAs surge €19bn as ECB approves new retail models
Revised risk-weightings for mortgages drive sharp rise in credit risk
TD US to sell up to $50bn of securities
Asset cap imposed after AML settlement limits growth of retail banking arm
G-Sib pair has largest TLAC shortfall since 2018
Basel monitoring report estimates €30bn below their fully loaded requirements
Nine jurisdictions yet to finalise Basel III rules
Turkey and South Africa worst laggards, with no final drafts published
Morgan Stanley, Goldman FCMs set new margin records
Investment banks see futures, options and swaps margin hit new highs in September