Technical paper

Smile dynamics III

In two articles published in 2004 and 2005 in Risk, Lorenzo Bergomi assessed the structural limitations of existing models for equity derivatives and introduced a new model based on the direct modelling of the joint dynamics of the spot and the implied…

Rates squared

Vladimir Piterbarg introduces a conveniently parameterised class of multi-factor quadratic Gaussian models, develops calibration formulas and explains the advantages of this class of models over alternatives currently available for the pricing and risk…

Error of VAR by overlapping intervals

When overlapping intervals in time series are used, volatility and price changes' percentiles are underestimated. Consequently, value-at-risk is also underestimated. Heng Sun, Izzy Nelken, Guowen Han and Jiping Guo measure the size of this underestimation

Joining the SABR and Libor models together

Fabio Mercurio and Massimo Morini propose a Libor market model consistent with SABR dynamics and develop approximations that allow for the use of the SABR formula with modified inputs. They verify that the approximations are acceptably precise, imply…

Hedge fund replication products

In 2007 an EDHEC study on passive hedge fund replication1 highlighted the inability of existing products to meet investors' needs for hedge fund replication. The factor replication approach fails to deliver accurate out-of-sample replication because of…

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