
Resist the rise of the risk management machines

Overreliance on modern risk management systems, and metrics such as value-at-risk, can blind firms to tectonic structural market shifts. To help alleviate this problem, the use of human judgement and intervention is required, argues Vincent Kaminski

Institutional inertia on tail risk measurement

Institutional inertia is one of the abiding forces in human experience, especially in governmental institutions. Sadly, such inertia is likely to hinder much-needed revisions in the practice of financial risk management, argues David Rowe

Fed set to raise bar for US stress tests

As US regulators prepare to introduce new stress-testing requirements for medium-sized banks, the Fed warns that the largest are still struggling to meet existing standards – and the intent of future stress tests is likely to be dramatically different

Testing to destruction

Reverse stress testing is set to become standard practice under Solvency II as part of the validation process for internal models, yet for most European insurers such tests are a new concept. Clive Davidson examines what can be learned from the UK, where…