Risk magazine - Volume19/No11

Validating EPE

Empirical validation of trading credit exposure simulation models is clearly essential. David Rowe points out, however, that the process must differ significantly from traditional back-tests of VAR models

Optimising omega

Optimising a portfolio's omega generally requires non-linear optimisation methods. Helmut Mausser, David Saunders and Luis Seco show that, under suitable conditions, a simple change of variables transforms the problem into a linear program that is much…

Cutting edges using domain integration

Zhengyun Hu, Jeroen Kerkhof, Paul McCloud and Jorg Wackertapp present the semi-analytic lattice integrator tree, a domain integrator method for pricing derivatives. This method can eliminate almost all numerical noises in derivatives pricing, and…

Credit model meltdown

Dealers are trading increasingly high volumes of bespoke tranches of synthetic credit risk with each other, yet there still appears to be little consensus on the application of credit models. Is there a danger the house of cards may come tumbling down?

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