Foreign exchange

CMBS re-Remics could make Talf obsolete

A wave of downgrades to highly rated commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) is threatening plans by the US Federal Reserve to rehabilitate the market for existing deals. But a recent trend towards restructuring the transactions could render the…

Russia forges ahead with power market liberalisation

The freely-traded portion of the electricity market in Russia was increased from 30% to 50% on July 1. The rise is in line with the state's plans to achieve 100% free pricing by 2011 and sends a positive signal to the market that it will follow through…

Basel implementation chief: no need for Basel III

Modifications being made to Basel II are sufficient to tackle the flaws in the framework and "we are certainly not going in the direction of Basel III", according to the chair of the standards implementation group of the Basel Committee on Banking…

AIG warns of potential losses in CDS portfolio

AIG could be exposed to further losses on the super-senior credit default swap (CDS) portfolio held by its subsidiary AIG Financial Products (AIG FP) should credit markets continue to deteriorate, according to a filing the company made to the US…

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