
Towards a practical capital model

Existing models for calculating and allocating capital for operational risk fail to achieve their goals. Richard Pike proposes a mixture of such approaches to attain a practical capital framework

Playing catch-up

The back office has found it difficult to keep up with front-office trading, prompting a warning by the FSA over the level of unsigned confirmations in the credit derivatives market earlier this year. Banks are now looking to improve the automation of…

The energy equation

Quantitative analysis in the energy industry is undergoing a crucial transition as it moves out of the role of secondary support to sit at the heart of business decision-making. Stella Farrington looks at its advance

MiFID: the race to comply

The EU's Markets in Financial Instruments Directive has been described as one of the most far-reaching overhauls of the financial industry ever. But with Basel II dominating the headlines, few firms have yet started to prepare in earnest for the 2007…

Belgian power exchange to launch early 2006

The Belgian day-ahead electricity market is due to start in early 2006 on the Belgian power exchange (Belpex) in a link-up with Dutch power exchange APX and French energy exchange Powernext. This is the first time three power exchanges will be linked…

Struggling for growth

All three Canadian energy exchanges – NGX, Watt-Ex and NetThruPut – are finding it slow-going with their expansion plans. Meanwhile the rivalry between NGX and Watt-Ex is growing. Joe Marsh reports

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