Foreign exchange/Risk management

Potential for instability over-hyped, says Ferguson

The potential for the new risk management instruments and techniques to produce instability has been overestimated, Federal Reserve vice-chairman Roger Ferguson told delegates at a conference in New York, sponsored by the American Institute of Certified…

Macro magic

Permal's global macro strategy has worked wonders for its FX, Financials and Futures fund.

EU capital rules remain on tight deadline

European Union (EU) plans for implementing the complex Basel II bank safety rules remain on a very tight schedule, and yesterday's issue of a EU progress report is a positive step, officials at European banking organisations said.

EU capital rules remain on tight deadline

LONDON – European Union (EU) plans for implementing the complex Basel II bank safety rules remain on a very tight schedule, but the issue today of a EU progress report is a positive step, officials at European banking organisations said today.

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