Foreign exchange/Risk management

Trade associations launch IRB survey

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, the Risk Management Association and the British Bankers' Association today launched a survey of the validation of banks' internal credit ratings, a key element underlying the internal ratings-based …

Small firms welcome EU proposals

BRUSSELS - European investment firms welcomed the European Commission's decision to create a special regime for them in terms of the operational risk provisions of proposed new capital adequacy rules, according to trade bodies representing the firms.

Academic voices dissatisfaction with Basel II

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision still has a great deal of work to do before the Basel II capital accord can be successfully implemented at financial institutions, Jacques Pézier, director of the risk management group of the ISMA Centre at the…

British and US banks placed on risk list

Banks in Britain and the United States are threatened by increased risks due to possible falls in asset bubbles, and are now vulnerable to financial stress, according to credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P).

S&P says Basel II helping to improve German banking

FRANKFURT – The proposed Basel II bank safety rules, weak operating performance and shareholder value considerations are behind a trend to more efficient capital allocation, prudent cost control and risk-adjusted pricing in German banking, a leading…

Deutsche Bank seeks plays on EU convergence

Deutsche Bank has launched a Central European foreign exchange (CEFX) convergence index designed to provide optimally weighted risk/return exposure to the Polish, Hungarian, Czech and Slovakian currencies. The index is tradable as a spot currency, with…

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