John Ferry

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Articles by John Ferry

Insurers prepare for M&A explosion

A number of drivers could push financial groups to dispose of life insurance assets in the near future. But a boom in M&A will also need buyers, which could prove difficult to find. By John Ferry

Saying no to algos

A number of banks have launched algorithmic trading systems for foreign exchange, intended to provide more efficient execution for clients. But some question whether algorithmic models are actually needed in the highly liquid foreign exchange market. By…

Italy’s new structured products landscape

The collapse of Lehman Brothers, a bank that had produced massive amounts of index-linked products for the Italian insurance sector, left retail investors weary of structured investments and led to a big regulatory shake-up. What role can structured…

QIS 5 makes its mark

European insurers are gearing up to take part in Solvency II’s latest and final quantitative impact study. John Ferry assesses what the latest proposals suggest about the impact of the new regime

Hedge fund investment back on pension funds' horizons

Pension schemes are again making allocations into hedge funds, despite the negative performance from many funds – and therefore correlation with underlying markets – throughout the financial crisis. So why the interest? John Ferry reports

A return to domestic inflation

Activity in Europe’s domestic inflation derivatives markets dropped away after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Now, dealers report buyers and sellers are starting to return. But there is likely to be less warehousing of risk by banks and a greater focus…

Counting the cost of counterparty risk

A few years ago no-one worried about counterparty credit risk. Then a year ago that was all anyone cared about. As markets begin to settle down, the shake-up could have longer-term implications for the structured products market. By John Ferry

Surviving the fallout

As regulators rush to reassess international banking regulations, insurers are also at threat of seeing more stringent regulations imposed on them on the basis that they are systemically risky. But the industry is fighting back. John Ferry reports

Minor activity

Although South Africa is a major commodity producer, activity by local investors in commodities is minor compared with other markets. While there are efforts to stimulate greater interest, these are being hampered by foreign exchange controls.

The algorithm method

Algorithmic trading was once the preserve of the equity market, but is winding its way into foreign exchange trading. However, some question whether these services can be properly provided by dealers acting as principal. By John Ferry

ETNs poised for a comeback

Worries over counterparty credit risk stymied the development of the market for exchange-traded notes, but as those concerns recede and the products spread outside their home in the US, 2010 could be the year that the investments come into their own. By…