Isda AGM 2016
Mifid II transparency rules pose swaps pricing challenge
Isda AGM: dealers fear pre-trade transparency could lead to front-running of hedges
Internal model cull to create ‘perverse incentives’
Isda AGM: Standardised capital approaches create herding behaviour, says JP Morgan exec
MUFG head criticises internal modelling restrictions
Isda AGM: Mitsubishi UFJ Group CEO also sounds warning on sovereign risk weights and CVA
BoJ: unsecured overnight rate top pick for Ibor alternative
Isda AGM: New rate would complement rather than replace existing ones
LCH and dealers clash over loss allocations
Isda AGM: CCP equity should not be spared, say clearing members
Blockchain faces obstacles in uncleared swap market
Isda AGM: Technology may have applications but will take time to gain market's confidence
Standardisation ‘a must’ for uncleared swaps
Isda AGM: Standard products and contracts key to product's future, say trading execs
Fintech needs new regulatory framework, says Mizuho chief
New technology creates fresh risks, which require supervision, says Sato
JFSA calls for more dynamic approach to bank regulation
Isda AGM: Regulators need to rely less on uniform rules and work more closely with banks, says Mori
Isda chair on twin threats facing OTC market
Capital a “sword of Damocles”, says Litvack; cleaner CSAs will fix valuation woes