Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca)
Global harmony – Educating firms on the new Common Reporting Standard
TMF Group explores how educating organisations on the approaching Common Reporting Standard can fix problems presented by discrepancies in the standard’s interpretation across different jurisdictions
Banks push back on CRS guidance and deadlines
Firms want more clarity and time to implement global tax reporting rules
A global outlook on hedge fund regulations | Part 1: Reporting and compliance requirements
Sponsored webinar: DTCC
Funds to consolidate jurisdictions after OECD tax initiative
Beps project means managers to choose key locations for activities
Looming global rules raise pressure to improve tax reporting
Financial firms struggle with Fatca even as far wider CRS is imminent
Evolving post-trade requirements in the new regulatory environment
Sponsored feature: DTCC
Top 10 op risks 2015: illicit transactions
Tax evasion, corporate ownership and sanctions will all be concerns
Fatca's compliance demands spell trouble for outsourcers
Contracts may need overhauling to match tax-evasion law
Fatca compliance slowing down after 'ambiguous' IRS notice
Three months after IRS notice, Fatca compliance programmes slackening
Fatca compliance at risk via third parties, expert warns
Questions on compliance within third parties need to be more focused
Fatca legislation pierces corporate veil, says DMS
Strict liability for governance exposes compliance risk
Fatca withholders to struggle without crucial instructions
Days to go until Fatca deadline and instructions still not published
Fraud and financial crime software provider of the year: Oracle
Higher costs of failure are driving banks to improve anti-fraud measures
OpRisk North America: Uncertainty remains over Fatca 'day one'
Banks hoping for guidance on non-IGA nations
Fatca fatigue setting in, expert warns
Costs rising as deadline approaches
Special report: KYC
A series of articles about know-your-customer
US banks worry over fuzzy Fatca requirements
IRS still unclear on compliance details
Ukraine crisis renews importance of KYC
Sanctions and transaction reporting grow in prominence
Universal Fatca runs into political obstacles
OECD plan still some way off reality
July deadline for Fatca compliance looms
Many prime brokers will require global intermediary identification numbers even in Model 1 IGA jurisdictions
OECD agreement promises Fatca for all
But details of data sharing rules have still to be determined