North America
For the Fed discount window, destigmatisation starts at home
US supervisors must change tack to encourage central bank liquidity utilisation, writes Bill Nelson
US banks’ performance in latest DFAST worst in six years
Fed blames higher credit card delinquencies, riskier corporate lending and lower revenue
Study finds just 10 banks plan to apply for FRTB models
Research provides extra insight on reasons for decline in internal models
Franklin Templeton steps back into FX options
Former biggest user of the instrument among US mutual funds returns with $7.6bn of USD/JPY strategies
Cyber insurance costs still rising, say big banks
Op Risk Benchmarking: Cost of covering same exposure as last year now “somewhat” or “significantly” higher
CME launches term SOFR curve as clearing talks ebb
Give-and-get pricing tool addresses pressing transparency need in $2.5 trillion swaps market
DB USA’s stress test estimate deviates from Fed’s by record amount
US unit of German bank underestimated capital and leverage hit in latest DFAST
DCOs show resilience beyond key default thresholds – CFTC
Reverse stress test reveals clearing houses remain resilient under low to moderate market shocks
Capital Group grows interest rates swaps book by 62%
Counterparty Radar: Aggregate notional of US mutual fund and ETF positions hit $957 billion in Q1
Can Citi’s XVA desk help solve risk data failings?
Resolution plan reviews exposed material limitations in banks’ ability to unwind derivatives
Shifting tack, Goldman bought $6.7bn of agency RMBS in Q1
Purchase of amortised-cost securities is first diversification away from US Treasuries in seven years
Ace high or busted flush? Digital Asset and the big bet on DLT
Blockchain pioneer’s bumpy journey raises questions over future of distributed ledger technology in finance
Four US MMF managers return to Fed repos in May
Fidelity and American Funds among managers opting to increase investments in RRP
Trading losses cancel out Goldman’s revenue in 2024 stress test
Bank hit hardest among those tested for market shock and counterparty default
DFAST 2024: IHCs outperform US banks despite steeper CET1 ratio decline
US subsidiaries of Deutsche Bank, UBS and RBC lead intermediate holding companies in biggest capital requirement drops
JP Morgan sails through DFAST with 200% AOCI reversal
Only major dealer to turn mark-to-market losses into gain in simulated recession
HSBC North America breached leverage ratio minimum in latest DFAST
Ratio of UK bank’s US subsidiary ended stress test 20 basis points below regulatory threshold
Capital One, Discover loan portfolios hardest hit in Fed stress test
Simulated losses wipe out more than 1/6th of respective exposures
Vanguard stages swaptions comeback
Counterparty Radar: Deutsche grew book to $11 billion in Q1 to become largest non-US swaptions dealer to mutual funds
Eleven banks fall below buffer requirements in latest DFAST
Goldman Sachs worst performer among 31 participating banks, with 450bp gap between stressed CET1 ratio and all-in capital requirements
Data reveals hidden clockwork of FX forwards market
More than 70% of Vanguard’s volumes and nearly half of Pimco’s regularly occur on just four calendar days
Does Basel’s internal loss multiplier add up?
As US agencies mull capital reforms, one regulator questions past losses as an indicator of future op risk
Clearing members cry foul over restrictive FICC rule change
Draft interpreted as attempt to obstruct rival clearing houses entering US Treasuries market
CIBC’s VAR hits highest since 2008 amid interest rate risk surge
Client and market-making activities responsible for 44% increase