
Under a broad umbrella

Integration, consolidation and convergence were the key words from the top ranking companies in this year's compliance software survey. But as Peter Madigan reports, aiming for a fully comprehensive suite in a constantly changing regulatory world may be…

A flawed structure

Rising default rates in the US subprime mortgage market have caused serious difficulties for lenders, with some filing for bankruptcy. Regulators have demanded a tightening of underwriting standards, but bankers say other factors were also at play.

The CDO Factory

CDO boutique Cohen & Company has emerged as a major force in the structured credit market. But as a niche operator, it has to think and act fast to stay ahead of the competition. Dalia Fahmy talks to senior management and discovers that the key is…

Deutsche Bank wins corporate derivatives rankings

Deutsche Bank has won this year’s Risk corporate end-user rankings, achieving the most votes overall among participating corporate clients globally. Citi and Barclays Capital came second and third, at a time of record merger and acquisition (M&A)…

Deutsche Bank wins corporate derivatives rankings

Deutsche Bank has won this year’s Risk corporate end-user rankings, achieving the most votes overall among participating corporate clients globally. Citi and Barclays Capital came second and third, at a time of record merger and acquisition (M&A)…

Powering debate

Concerns about energy supply security and climate change are causing a nuclear power renaissance in Europe. However, despite changing attitudes, the regulatory, political and financial barriers to nuclear new-build remain significant, finds Roderick Bruce

Leading the pack

Increased investment in the steadily growing commodity derivatives markets is paying off for many new entrants, but the old guard continues to maintain the biggest piece of the pie. Oliver Holtaway reports

UBS takes top metals spot

UBS has won top spot in this year's metals poll, pushing last year's winner, Barclays Capital, into second place. Goldman Sachs finishes in third position and HSBC in fourth, in a year characterised by volatile metal prices. By Mark Pengelly, with…

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