The wealth management perspective

Roland Eberhard

Do you get enough performance for the risk taken? Are your fees adequate? Thanks to technology, such questions can now be answered relatively quickly. Wealth management clients have been great beneficiaries of the technological advances in the digital era. With digital tools in the hands of wealthy clients, the power of investment decision-making has shifted. Information that was hitherto only available to investment professionals is now easily accessible to the clients themselves.

The first part of this chapter will focus on how the pitfalls of these seductive digital technologies can be successfully countered, while the second part will highlight the impact that digitalisation has had on portfolio construction for wealth management. This is followed by a short overview of the digital tools available for constructing portfolios.

This chapter is written by a practitioner, and is based on their experiences over 30 years. Of course, more of these experiences could have been usefully assessed, but we have concentrated on the essentials. Also omitted is any mention of our own products or suppliers – on the one hand, we don’t want to advertise anything or anyone, and on the other

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