Insurance Risk - **VOLUME 5/ISSUE 10
Articles in this issue
Open for hedges
India’s insurance sector has long been hamstrung by its inability to use equity derivatives. This is about to change with the country’s insurance regulator set to relax the rules on derivatives. But are India’s insurers ready for synthetic instruments?…
Institutional memory
Ninety-year-old TIAA-Cref is one of the US’s oldest providers of retirement services and came into the financial crisis with experience of past crises galore. But did history help it when the crunch bit, and how will its business model learn from this…
Health kicks
The US pension sector is having to cope not just with the increased cost of retirement provision but also the attendant healthcare obligations many schemes are under – liabilities that must now be accounted for upfront. Andrew Sheen reports
Future planning
Deloitte and Credit Suisse have made particularly strong showings in Life & Pensions’ third annual insurance rankings, after a long and difficult year in which insurers have been busily preparing for the implementation of Solvency II. Andrew Sheen reports
Solvency II & risk management conference
Life & Pensions’ fourth annual Solvency II conference brought together a large number of leading industry figures at a critical point in the directive’s evolution