
The silver lining

Enron’s collapse could ironically give a boost to the telecoms market, as Enron Broadband Services bows out of the limelight. By Laurence Neville

Job moves

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: - “The FSA has successfully put the fear of God into senior managers” Simon Gleeson, a partner in the regulatory group at Allen & Overy in London, on the FSA’s new unlimited liability rules for risk management errors Source: RiskNews,…

Fallout for energy markets

Enron’s collapse led to short-lived increases in electricity and natural gas volatility. As the markets settle down, the question now is who will fill Enron’s shoes? By Kevin Foster

Software survey 2002 |

Some online risk management products failed to live up to expectations last year, but software vendors forge ahead, developing products that support fast-growing markets such as credit derivatives and CDOs, and tools to help banks meet Basel II…

Enron and systemic risk

Regulators worry that concentrating derivatives market-making in a few major dealers poses severe systemic risk issues. Could one big player’s failure break the whole system? David Rowe says Enron is an ideal test case, with some encouraging indications

Algo includes S&P for Basel II

Algorithmics is strengthening its credit risk management offering as demand grows for more comprehensive credit solutions. It is integrating a number of Standard & Poor’s credit data products with its analytical tools and developing a new module to help…

SAP makes play for risk territory

German software giant SAP is making a firm move into the risk management industry with the further development of its range of industry solutions. The Waldorf-based firm has already developed credit and market risk components for the financial services…

Building for Basel

The 2005 implementation date for the new Basel II Accord – already postponed by a year – is looming large. Whilst the banking sector is steadily gearing up for the proposed changes, there are fears that some institutions may be left behind.

Building for Basel

The 2005 implementation date for the new Basel II Accord – already postponed by a year – is looming large. Whilst the banking sector is steadily gearing up for the proposed changes, there are fears that some institutions may be left behind.

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