
Credit risk reporting: Managing the exposure challenge

Mass financial shocks – including Enron and Argentina – are forcing banks to disclose more information, faster, about their credit exposures to satisfy skittish investors. How are banks' technology infrastructures coping with this challenge?

New disclosure rule boosts pension risks

New UK accounting rule FRS 17 will force companies to disclose pensions liabilities on corporate balance sheets. The risk management issues are wide-ranging, and experts have few easy answers. Furthermore, the new rule could soon be adopted in a number…

Pushing the equities button

The increase in size, diversity and sophistication of the equity derivatives markets has spurred demand for more efficient technology. How are firms responding?

The Risk 2002 commodity & energy derivatives rankings

Volatile energy markets, plummeting metals prices, September 11 and the implosion of Enron: 2001 was an eventful year for the commodity and energy derivatives markets. Kevin Foster and John Ferry introduce our annual rankings of dealers and brokers

Platts launches US coal derivatives index

Platts, the energy information business and part of McGraw-Hill, has launched a series of coal derivatives indexes in the US to help market participants to price contracts in this developing area of the energy markets.

Basel II sets the pace for operational risk reform

Basel II is set to come into play in 2005, bringing a host of opportunities for vendors along with the new framework for banking supervision. Andrew Partridge examines the potential and some of the challenges for the suppliers and users of financial…

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