Margie Lindsay

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Articles by Margie Lindsay

Dendrochronology for hedge funds

A spate of recent surveys and studies has confirmed the hedge fund tree is still alive and growing. Reading between the rings, it seems the financial crisis that reversed growth may have been a good thing for the industry.

Different players, different game

A few years ago the secondary market was dominated by one or two names. With the increase in gates, side pockets and illiquid assets, secondary trading of hedge funds has blossomed. More players are in the market, although few are expected to stay the…

Ambitious plans: profile of Newedge

A few years ago Newedge was considered a niche broker. Hedge Funds Review discovers how the prime brokerage has expanded significantly and reveals some of its plans for the future.

Paradigm shift

The financial world has undergone a paradigm shift. A bold statement that many would support and probably an equal number would question. Whatever the view, there has been a profound and possibly permanent change that will define this decade, maybe even…

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