Joe Parsons
Joe Parsons is deputy editor on the Markets desk. Joe was formerly deputy editor at Global Custodian, and prior to that he was at The Trade.
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Articles by Joe Parsons
Banks, prime brokers and trading venues shun ruble trades
FXPBs turn away derivatives bets as spot platforms block ruble trades and NDF fixings go dark
New GFXC chair aims to keep up reform on last look
SNB’s Andrea Maechler urges more liquidity providers and trading venues to address hold times
Traders turn to ruble NDFs to avoid sanctions trouble
Basis between physical and non-deliverable trades hits record high as users shun local currency
Can Clobs level the playing field in OTC FX options?
Electronification could be a “game changer” for smaller liquidity providers, say participants
Vanguard eyes DLT for FX forwards after smart contract success
Fund giant hopes roll-out of tech in 2022 will deliver greater efficiency and pricing benefits
Down but not out: US Libor trading continues amid ban
Outgoing rate hits market share lows in US swaps but little dent made in listed markets
B2C2 platform seeks to bring banks into crypto derivatives
By using a Japanese bank as intermediary, market-maker hopes to tap into growing trading demand from dealers
Morgan Stanley and UBS remove FX hold times
Goldman Sachs follows suit in new GFXC cover sheets, but NatWest Markets holds on
SA-CCR brings little succour for FX dealers and clients
Spreads on swaps and forwards likely to widen as banks adjust to capital-intensive regime
Bank FX teams eye slice of crypto derivatives action
Business heads increasingly confident that trading will reside in their patch
Regulators moot public utility to tackle FX settlement risk
Idea floated as battery of initiatives vie to address slowing use of PvP services
FXPBs wary of Turkish lira risk, say hedge funds
Primes hesitant to take big positions on embattled currency
Funds brace for higher costs, worse terms after CS prime exit
Largest banks set to win business; others fear regulatory scrutiny of highly concentrated market
Fee standoff intensifies as FX spreads compress
As spread squeeze continues, brokers refuse to budge on trading fees
No fair: buy side takes on pricing problem in FX forwards
Interest in TCA is growing as new data sources offer glimpse into murky swaps and forwards market
US banks step up FX optimisation push as SA-CCR looms
With swaps and forwards hit hard by new capital measure, dealers turn to vendors and bilateral restructuring
Regulatory attacks deal BSBY swaps a crippling blow
Libor successor “dead in the water” but CME sticks with cleared swap plan
Non-bank growth in e-credit spurs dealer algo push
As the likes of Jane Street capture more electronic business, dealers are reassessing their capabilities
Inflation swap stampede stirs fears of lopsided market
Soaring demand for inflation hedges leaves dealers struggling to balance exposure
BNP hits top spot for FX options
Counterparty Radar: French bank ousts long-time leader Citi as biggest dealer for mutual funds