Feature/Foreign exchange

Crunch time for autos

The world's carmakers are battling for survival. Should bondholders shun the sector or is there value in the firms best placed to beat the recession? Nikki Marmery reports

What to do with the toxic debt

The issue of how to tackle the vast quantities of impaired assets lingering on banks' balance sheets has given rise to several possible solutions, chief among which is the notion of a 'bad bank'. Credit asks five market participants how such a scheme…

Missing link

Banks are unable - or unwilling - to hold bond inventory for resale in the secondary markets, meaning that their traditional role as middleman in the buying and selling of bonds is not being fulfilled. William Rhode looks at whether things will continue…

Adapt or fail

Since October last year, ructions in South Africa's foreign exchange rate have caused offshore hedge funds to exit the market, while dealers have been reluctant to take on risk. Those that remain active have had to adapt their behaviour as a result. By…

Pacini promoted, Tranter departs as BNP merges sales roles

BNP Paribas Corporate & Investment Banking in London has merged sales roles in its equity derivatives operation under the leadership of Jean-Eric Pacini. Pacini's expanded sales role includes responsibility for flow sales, a business previously headed up…

Appetite for financials tested in Mexico

Mexican distributor Actinver has placed an individual call cap structure linked to the yield of a basket of financial stocks. The trade is structured by Société Générale and issued by Société Générale Acceptance.

US Wrap: Mid-week freeze

With tumbling equity markets pushing the S&P index down 4%, yesterday turned out to be the right day for no issuance in the US market. Despite continued volatility, the past week has seen reverse convertibles making a comeback: the poster child of US…

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