Ice’s AFX swoop shines spotlight on Ameribor prospects
CEO John Shay steps down after exchange group buys firm for mortgage and index synergies
ARRC replacement aims to dodge rates ruckus
Fed’s new reference rate committee wants to avoid reigniting battles about term and credit-sensitive rates
Another post-Libor rate aims to clear Iosco bar
After two rivals were slapped down by the benchmark overseer last year, will Axi fare differently?
CME launches term SOFR curve as clearing talks ebb
Give-and-get pricing tool addresses pressing transparency need in $2.5 trillion swaps market
Euribor fills panel gaps with Finland and Greece
OP Corporate Bank and NBG take contributors to 21 as administrator switches off “expert judgement”
Canada’s triparty repo launch aims to fill C$60bn void
Test trades on TMX/Clearstream platform represent “quantum leap” for creaking funding markets
Who’s winning the €STR futures race? Depends how you measure
CME, Eurex and Ice all claim to be leading, but experts say it’s too early to pick a winner
Georgios Skoufis on RFRs, convexity adjustments and Sabr
Bloomberg quant discusses his new approach for calculating convexity adjustments for RFR swaps
Singapore Exchange to return to short-term rates market
SGX president Syn hails new Sora and Tona futures as the “missing chunk of the rates complex”
Euribor to ditch ‘expert judgement’ in May
Plan to infer euro funding costs from term version of €STR wins industry backing
A change of TIIE: the knotty issue of Mexico’s benchmark switch
Outlier fallback methods and narrow window to build F-TIIE derivatives liquidity make for ambitious transition plan
SOFR switch saved GSEs over $300m, study finds
Research suggests borrowers are benefitting from a systematic ‘SOFR discount’
Why Canada may need to revisit term Corra methodology
Break from US guidance benefits dealers but some futures inputs underpinning term rate are in short supply
Comerica takes $91m hit on BSBY discontinuation
Bank forced to re-designate $7bn of receive-fixed swaps as SOFR-referencing hedges
Philippines readies new swaps benchmark
Philippine peso rates market has been without an interest rate benchmark since June 2023
Canadian MMFs face yield squeeze on CDOR’s demise
High-yielding BA notes will disappear from the market in June with no clear replacement at hand
Polish benchmark transition hits new snag
Compounded index suspended over data errors as Wibor extension reopens successor debate
Term SOFR derivatives creep into US fund holdings
Global Atlantic shows sizeable swaps position against the new benchmark as other managers ease into trading
Europe’s half-baked benchmark switch leaves some dissatisfied
Users frustrated by narrow scope of euro transition, but replacing Euribor was never a euro group objective
Charting the course for structured credit markets in 2024
This webinar, in collaboration with Numerix, explores the intricate world of structured credit markets in 2024. The discussion reviews the key market dynamics in 2023, and looks ahead to 2024 to observe how practitioners are handling the…
Banxico waiver prompts rethink on benchmark transition plans
Dealers weigh basis risk against longer-dated swap hedges as CME consults on new conversion plan