Credit default swaps

Dutch Trigger

Van Lanschot has issued five-year trigger notes based on the AEX index of the 25 most-traded Dutch stocks. The product offers a minimum of 10% per annum on potential early maturity, although capital is not protected if the 50% barrier is breached at the…

Brics back in fashion

The debt crisis in Greece has brought volatility to the eurozone and given global markets the jitters. For many private banking accounts the affair has further underlined the attractiveness of emerging markets, where budget deficits are often lower and…

Sovereign CDS: Cat or canary?

Sovereign credit default swaps have become magnets for controversy amid worries about the condition of government finances. Does the market really reflect the probability of default and has too much attention been paid to it?

Bilateral counterparty risk with application to CDSs

Previous research on credit valuation adjustments (CVAs) with correlation between underlying and counterparty default, including volatilities of both, assumed unilateral default risk. However, the crisis prompted counterparties to ask institutions to…

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