Standard & Poor’s

The bigger picture

In 2003, rating agencies considered operational risk as a separate risk category, but quantification problems have prompted them to take an integrated, enterprise risk management approach.

S&P rolls out ABS performance tracker

Standard and Poor’s is the latest rating agency to enhance its collateralised debt obligation (CDO) surveillance, with a product designed specifically for the CDO investor.

S&P buys Goldman's commodity index

Standard & Poor's has acquired the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI) as well as two equity indexes. The GSCI is widely considered to be the benchmark for commodity indexes and serves as the underlying for many structured products. It will be renamed…

FSA’s Huertas hits out at CPDOs

Thomas Huertas, director of wholesale firms at the Financial Services Authority, has lashed out at the use of constant proportion debt obligations (CPDOs), a new breed of synthetic credit investments.

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