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Liquidity risk learnings in the banking industry

Sidhartha Dash, chief researcher at Chartis Research (part of Risk.net’s digital network), talks to Steve Pemberton, chief executive of Coherent Europe, about the dynamics and challenges surrounding liquidity risk in the banking industry.

They highlight the importance of managing liquidity risk, particularly in the wake of recent events involving smaller and regional US banks. The conversation delves into the role of end-user computing spreadsheets in liquidity risk management, covering the need for flexibility and industrialisation of processes.

Pemberton emphasises that spreadsheets are here to stay, but they need to be managed within a robust control framework. Implementing a solid risk management strategy that includes industrialising and controlling spreadsheets can serve as a foundation for a more robust risk framework. This discussion provides valuable insights for financial institutions looking to improve their risk management practices.

Coherent is a sponsor at the Risk Live North America event taking place in Boston on April 13, 2023.


Learn more about Risk Live North America

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