Journal of Credit Risk

Linear and non-linear credit scoring by combining logistic regression and support vector machines

Tony Van Gestel, Bart Baesens, Peter Van Dijcke, Johan A. K. Suykens and Joao Garcia


The Basel II capital accord encourages banks to develop internal rating models that are financially intuitive, easily interpretable and optimally predictive for default. Standard linear logistic models are very easily readable but have limited model flexibility. Advanced neural network and support vector machine models (SVMs) are less straightforward to interpret but can capture more complex multivariate non-linear relations. A gradual approach that balances the interpretability and predictability requirements is applied here to rate banks. First, a linear model is estimated; it is then improved by identifying univariate non-linear ratio transformations that emphasize distressed conditions; and finally SVMs are added to capture remaining multivariate non-linear relations.

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