Insurance Risk - Jun 2016
Articles in this issue
IAIS under pressure to learn from FSOC mistakes
G-Siis see MetLife opinion as strengthening their case against aspects of international regulation
PRA frets about Solvency II internal model ‘drift’
Bank-style leverage ratio for insurers one option being discussed
Lower UFR would be dangerously pro-cyclical – Bafin
Solvency II rate cut would crowd insurers into long-dated assets, says insurance chief
Eurex faces questions on savings from buy-side clearing
CCP rebuffs argument that direct membership model will add to risk
Leverage ratio blamed for big swap unwind charges
Buy-siders complain of 'ridiculous' costs to exit trades
Balz slams IAIS for rule-making 'behind closed doors'
Failure to engage with European Parliament will delay and undermine international insurance regulation, says MEP