
Job moves

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: - “It is likely that doubt and a lack of market confidence will affect all energy trading for some time to come” Francis Hervé, chief executive of EDF Trading, the London-based trading subsidiary of Electricité de France (EDF),…

Static data moves forward

Firms tackling high-speed and information-intensive tasks such as straight-through processing or risk management without accurate instrument and counterparty reference data may be taking enormous operational and credit risks. Clive Davidson reports on…

Static data moves forward

Firms tackling high-speed and information-intensive tasks such as straight-through processing or risk management without accurate instrument and counterparty reference data may be taking enormous operational and credit risks. Clive Davidson reports on…

Job moves

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: - “The perception of government support may induce the counterparties of government-sponsored enterprises to apply less vigorously some of the risk controls that they apply to manage their over-the-counter derivatives exposures”…

Job moves

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: - “I have come to you with a problem – we need to outsource our balance-sheet funding” From an e-mail sent last year by John Rusnak to an unnamed counterparty, referring to his deep-in-the-money options trades, or ‘synthetic loans'.

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