
Buy-side battle

Central clearing has dominated the agenda of credit derivatives dealers this year. With regulators pushing for buy-side firms to have access to clearing platforms, dealers and clearing houses are finding there is a great deal of work still to be done…

CLS: US-Canada forex settlement due in 2010

CLS Bank, the multi-currency cash settlement system provider, is aiming to settle same-day US dollar/Canadian dollar and US dollar/Mexican peso currency trades by the end of 2010, according to chief executive Rob Close.

Ice Clear Europe launches CDS clearing

Ice Clear Europe, the facility set up by Atlanta-based central counterparty (CCP) IntercontinentalExchange (Ice) for the clearing of European credit default swaps (CDS), has obtained regulatory approval and started clearing operations.

Race against the clock for European CDS CCPs

With just two weeks remaining until the European Commission’s deadline for central counterparties (CCPs) to begin clearing credit default swaps (CDSs), two of the competing platforms are still waiting for regulatory approval.

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