
Race against the clock for European CDS CCPs

With just two weeks remaining until the European Commission’s deadline for central counterparties (CCPs) to begin clearing credit default swaps (CDSs), two of the competing platforms are still waiting for regulatory approval.

TSE targets Japanese banks for CCP

The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) is courting domestic financial institutions to become clearing members of its proposed central counterparty (CCP), which it is developing alongside its 86.3%-owned clearing arm, Japan Securities Clearing Corp (JSCC).

SEC to tighten rules on money market funds

Money market funds, the retail investment funds which exacerbated the effects of the financial crisis in September last year, are to come under far stricter oversight, under draft rules announced by the US Securities and Exchange Commission on June 24.

Q&A: Osfi chief champions Canada's regulatory framework

Julie Dickson, superintendent at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Osfi) in Canada, talks exclusively to Risk about how Canada's regulatory framework has helped institutions weather the financial crisis, and shares her views on…

Industry opposes mandatory clearing

Compulsory central clearing is not a one-stop solution to the problems of the derivatives markets, and could end up crippling the industry, warned speakers at an industry event in London on Tuesday.

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