
Second credit-event auction to be held on LCDS

London-based data provider Markit has announced it will hold a credit-event auction on Ontario-based door manufacturer Masonite International, to settle loan credit default swap (LCDS) trades referencing the company.

CDS clearing house to miss November 30 deadline

The November 30 target for central clearing of index credit default swap (CDS) trades set by a consortium of industry associations and investment banks is unlikely to be met, sources within the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have said.

CFTC’s Lukken calls for new financial regulation in US

Walter Lukken, acting chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), called for the US to scrap current regulatory systems in favour of a new objectives-based framework, in a speech to the Futures Industry Association on November 11.

Renewables call for transmission build

Many US states have ambitious renewable energy targets, but billions need to be spent on transmission infrastructure if this new power is to come on line. Susan Arterian Chang looks at the challenges involved in creating the interstate transmission…

High five for distressed investors

There is a celebratory mood amongst distressed debt investors. Having spent several years scratching around for opportunities in a raging bull market, their cup now runneth over. We profile five leading funds in the distressed arena

Lawmakers take aim at CDS market

Regulators have been threatening the credit derivatives market with draconian new legislation in a bid to curb practices that supposedly exacerbated the current turmoil. But the lawmakers' belligerent comments are somewhat akin to closing the windows…

Rebooting the dollar market

Issuing a $4 billion deal in the climate of fear and uncertainty that characterised October's primary market required courage. Yet someone was needed to break the deadlock and IBM stepped forward. Simon Boughey looks at the deal's effect on the dollar…

Chris Crowley

October was the month that the credit event auction process was tested to its limits, with Lehman Brothers, Fannie and Freddie, and WaMu all undergoing settlement. Credit spoke to the strategy manager at Creditex to find out how the process bore up…

Rescue remedy

Governments and central banks have finally acted to attempt to stem the crisis that engulfed the world's financial markets. But is their response too little too late? Laurence Neville finds out

Lee Olesky

The new CEO of e-trading platform Tradeweb, who has been involved with the firm - and the modern derivatives market - since their inception, talks to Matthew Attwood

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