
Credit and credibility

Credit risk modellers have made giant strides, but they still have to convince regulators that they can make the world a safer place. By Matthew Crabbe

What’s next for the exchanges?

Derivatives exchanges are wrestling with consolidation, new products and technology. John Ferry asks Rudolf Ferscha, chief executive of Eurex, Hugh Freedberg, chief executive of Euronext.Liffe and Nickolas Neubauer, chairman of the CBOT, to peer into the…

RiskNews review

The leading stories from RiskNews. For breaking news on derivatives and risk management, see

Banding together for SME credit risk analytics

Germany's banking associations are taking a leading role in getting the country's fragmented banking sector ready to comply with the Basel II capital Accord. Germany's savings banks association, in particular, says it has internal ratings-based systems…

Budgeting for 2003

Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch and State Street outline how next year's budget will be spent. For starters, it will be spent cautiously.

Reaping integration rewards

In the October issue of Risk, Clive Davidson discussed the integration of ALM and ERM technology. Here, in a second article, he profiles the firms that have tackled this project and reviews the challenges, advantages and pitfalls of the integration…