Luis Otero González
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Luis Otero González graduated in Economics and Business Administration (Honours), Master in Economics, and a PhD in Finance and Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Honours). His research is focused on the study of banking, risk management, hospitality management, international finance and performance of mutual funds. Among other journals he has published in: Tourism management, Journal of Business Research, Applied Economics, International Journal of Hospitality Management, European Journal of Finance, Feminist Economics, International research journal of finance and economics, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, Modeling , Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Journal of Management , Journal of Higher Education, Journal of Education, Social Science Research Network, European Journal of Management and Business Economics .
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Articles by Luis Otero González
The impact of loan-to-value on the default rate of residential mortgage-backed securities
This paper analyzes the validity of using the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio to explain the behavior of mortgage borrowers at an empirical level.