Joshua Walker
Joshua is a London-based reporter on the Risk Quantum desk at Risk.net. He graduated from the University of Oxford in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in history and politics.
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Articles by Joshua Walker
UK banks added £1.6bn to loan allowances in 2022
Increase in set-asides driven by stage-two and stage-three credit-loss reserves
CCP ‘skin in the game’ still dwarfed by member contributions
Even as markets churned in 2022, clearing houses coughed up only 2% of funds at end-September – the same as the previous year
Commercial bank cash grows more popular for initial margin
Shift driven by Ice Europe as CCPs diverge on preferred type of collateral
SA-CCR lobs $3.6bn onto DBS’s RWAs
New approach’s 1.4x multiplier meant capital charges for derivatives surged last year
Rabobank closes gap to Basel III after RWA top-ups
Mortgage floor, other model corrections bring forward reforms’ forecast impact
EU and UK CCPs dominated by foreign members
Non-domestic clearing members accounted for over 70% of LCH’s and Eurex’s pool in Q3
RepoClear’s concentration risks see highest rate of increase
LCH's cash bond and repo trade-clearing service has steepest slope of IM and open positions over 2016–22
CCPs’ largest members account for almost half IM
Analysis of 30 clearing services shows wide dispersion in concentration risk – with LCH and JSCC leading the pack