Cord Harms
University of Duisburg-Essen
In 2012, Cord Harms completed his studies in economathematics at University Cologne (MSc). Afterwards, he started a career as a Consultant in the financial services office of Ernst & Young in Germany. In 2014, he decided to partially resume his interest in the field of financial mathematics. He started to perform part time research at the chair of Energy Trading and Finance at University Duisburg-Essen. In his research, he focusses on practical mathematical aspects (i.e. mathematical derivation of hedging strategies) in electricity markets and energy trading respectively. He seeks to build a bridge from modern mathematical models to its application in practice. In October 2016, he completed his fourth year working for Ernst & Young.
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Articles by Cord Harms
The application of structural electricity models for dynamic hedging
The authors formulate a general structural model for an energy market in order to analyze the dynamic hedging of contingent claims on spot electricity prices.